Company Highlights
We create value for our shareholders, our employees and our business and social partners through safely and responsibly exploring, mining and marketing our products.

Safety is our first value.
We place people first and correspondingly put the highest priority on safe and healthy practices and systems of work. We are responsible for seeking out new and innovative ways to ensure that our workplaces are free of occupational injury and illness. We live each day for each other and use our collective commitment, talents, resources and systems to deliver on our most important commitment … to care.

We treat each other with dignity and respect
We believe that individuals who are treated with respect and who are entrusted to take responsibility respond by giving their best. We seek to preserve people’s dignity, their sense of self-worth in all our interactions, respecting them for who they are and valuing the unique contribution that they can make to our business success. We are honest with ourselves and others, and we deal ethically with all of our business and social partners.

We value diversity
We aim to be a global leader with the right people for the right jobs. We promote inclusion and team work, deriving benefit from the rich diversity of the cultures, ideas, experiences and skills that each employee brings to the business.

We are focused on delivering results and we do what we say we will do. We accept responsibility and hold ourselves accountable for our work, our ethics and our actions. We aim to deliver high performance outcomes and undertake to deliver on our commitments to our colleagues, business and social partners, and our investors.

Beneficial Partnerships
The communities and societies in which we operate will be better off for Premier Development & Investment Inc. having been there.
We uphold and promote fundamental human rights where we do business. We contribute to building productive, respectful and mutually beneficial partnerships in the communities in which we operate. We aim to leave host communities with a sustainable future.

We respect the environment
We are committed to continually improving our processes in order to prevent pollution, minimize waste, increase our carbon efficiency and make efficient use of natural resources. We will develop innovative solutions to mitigate environmental and climate risks.

Ronald Yadin Lowenthal, Executive Chairman
Mr. Lowenthal is a specialist in Corporate Finance, in the structuring of IPO’s and in fund raising for Mining Exploration Companies. From 1999, Mr. Lowenthal was a founding director of Incentive Holdings Ltd. and Incentive Securities Limited a South African based Financial Services Group. From 1982 to 1999, Mr. Lowenthal served as a financial consultant and as the compliance officer to family owned, Lowenthal & Co, a South African based Stock Broking, Corporate Finance and Fund Management company specializing in obtaining mining concessions for exploration, and obtaining and assisting a significant number of Mining and other companies with their obtaining quotations on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. In 1971, Mr. Lowenthal earned a Masters of Business Administration degree from the Wharton Graduate Division, University of Pennsylvania, USA and in 1969 earned a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) degree in International Relations from the University of Sussex, England.
From 1972 to 1979, Mr. Lowenthal served as an International Merchant Banker with Scandinavian Bank in both London and in Singapore, Amex Bank in both London and in Hong Kong, Rothschild Intercontinental Bank in both London and in Hong Kong and with European and American Bank in New York. From 1979 to 1981, Mr. Lowenthal was involved in Diamond Mining and in Diamond Trading on an International basis.
Mr. Lowenthal’s experience in mining goes back to the early 1970’s, when he was working in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Burkina Faso and obtained mining concessions in gold and diamonds in these countries. Mr. Lowenthal resumed his interest in West Africa in 2006, when he was requested by an international mining company to obtain a uranium concession. As a result of this activity, Mr. Lowenthal established an office in Dakar, Senegal and Nouakchott, Mauritania and has actively pursued concessions in Senegal, Mauritania and Guinea. These activities extend from gold to iron ore, chrome and uranium. The Lowenthal family has been involved in mining activity in South Africa, Guinea, Senegal, Mauritania, over many years and, when Mr. Lowenthal returned from Asia to South Africa in 1982 when his family and others gained control of Johannesburg Mining Finance Limited, which became Consolidated Mining Corporation. This group specialized in gold and diamonds.
For additional information pertaining to our directors, please click here.

USA Lithium Holdings Corporation
- The Lithium Project consists of 24 Lode and 27 Placer Claims divided into three Claim Blocks totaling some 1,180 acres; and
- These claims are located in Esmeralda County, Nevada; and
- Trenches and open pits from prior gold and / or uranium mining / exploration are located on certain of these Claims. At this point, our focus is upon the Lithium deposits with a secondary focus on these potential Uranium deposits
Joint Venture Partners
The Company’s Rationale for Seeking Joint Venture Partners The Company has clearly stated that it is not in the business of “going mining”. with all of the attendant problems associated therewith and the enormous amount of Management and Management attention required, thereby detracting from the Company’s stated core business; which is to add significant value through extensive exploration work and then to either (a) dispose of properties for cash (b) contract the mining of the properties to a third party or (c) to Joint Venture with a Mining Company to produce upon the properties in the Company’s portfolio.
The Company is committed to significant expenditure on its portfolio assets through extensive exploration work. The Company is seeking to prove up reserves on these Properties through Geological Survey, the employment of at least two full time Geologists and through a substantial number of carefully measured and planned drilling and other exploration programs.
The Company under these circumstances would entertain serious offers to Joint Venture on any its portfolio assets if the approach was made from a credible and extremely very well-funded source with very significant experience in this area and with highly experienced Management.
Any such Joint Venture would involve our Partner being solely responsible for Mining operations and only upon an appropriate and equitable profit sharing arrangement.
Policy on Asset Sales
The Company’s policy of creating significant value to its portfolio assets through extensive yet targeted exploration programs will in likelihood result in acceptable offers being made to the Company to acquire any such assets.
If (and only if) such offers were strictly in cash (Not Stocks, etc.), the Company’s Management may deem it in the best interests of the Company to dispose of any such portfolio asset in order to utilize that cash received in order for the creation of greater wealth creation for stockholders. The Company would under no circumstances dispose of assets for any consideration other than cash as it would be senseless given the Company’s stated objectives, all of which require cash expenditure.
The Company’s Management sees no economic benefit to stockholders to accept stock in any other publicly traded company; Loan Notes or other instruments. The Company if it considered any sale of assets; would only accept a cash consideration.